W Erwin Diewert
Research Area
I have been a Professor in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia since 1970. I have a B.A. degree and a M.A. in mathematics from the University of British Columbia, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1969. I also have a part time appointment for 2 months of the year at the School of Economics, University of New South Wales.
My main areas of research are: flexible functional forms, the implications of maximizing behavior, welfare economics and applied general equilibrium modeling, price measurement, the measurement of productivity and index number theory, most of which involve duality theory in some way.
Currently, I am working on:
1. “Marginal Excess Burdens of Taxation in Canada”.
2. “The Measurement of House Prices in Tokyo”.
3. “Problems in the Measurement of Capital and Income”.
4. “The Measurement of the Prices of Commercial Properties”.
5. “Problems in the Measurement of Productivity”.
6. “The Treatment of Seasonal Prices in a Consumer Price Index”.
The Econometric Theory Interview: Professor W. Erwin Diewert
A biographical sketch of Walter Erwin Diewert
2010 biographical sketch of Walter Erwin Diewert
Chapter 2: Basic Index Number Theory
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: The Axiomatic or Test Approach to Index Number Theory
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Stochastic Approaches to Index Number Theory
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory
Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Elementary Indexes
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: The Chain Drift Problem and Multilateral Indexes
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Quality Adjustment Methods
Chapter 8
Chapter 10: The Treatment of Durable Goods and Housing
Chapter 10
Below are three volumes (1) Housing, (2) Seasonality and (6) Index Number Theory
(editor with Bert M. Balk, Dennis Fixler, Kevin J. Fox and Alice O. Nakamura)
Volume 1
Bert M. Balk, W. Erwin Diewert and Alice O Nakamura - pp. 1 - 6
W. Erwin Diewert and Alice O. Nakamura – pp. 7 - 32
Arnold J. Katz – pp. 33-50
Theodore M. Crone, Leonard I. Nakamura and Richard P. Voith - pp. 51-68
Claudia Kurz and Johannes Hoffmann – pp. 69-86
W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 87-116
Alan Heston and Alice O. Nakamura – pp. 117-124
Thesia I. Garner and Randal Verbrugge - pp. 125-146
Rósmundur Guðnason and Guðrún R. Jónsdóttir – pp. 147-150
Andrew Baldwin, Alice O. Nakamura and Marc Prud’homme – pp. 151-160
(editor with Bert M. Balk, Dennis Fixler, Kevin J. Fox and Alice O. Nakamura)
Volume 2
Dedication to Guy H. Orcutt
Bert M. Balk, W. Erwin Diewert and Alice O. Nakamura -pp. 1-4
W. Erwin Diewert, Paul A. Armknecht and Alice O. Nakamura – pp. 5-28
W. Erwin Diewert, William F. Alterman and Robert C. Feenstra – pp. 29-52
W. Erwin Diewert, Yoel Finkel and Yevgeny Artsev – pp. 53-78
Andrew Baldwin – pp. 79-104
Rósmundur Guðnason – pp. 105-110
Peter Hein van Mulligen and May Hua Oei – pp. 111-120
W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 121-126
(editor with Bert M. Balk, Dennis Fixler, Kevin J. Fox and Alice O. Nakamura)
Volume 6
Bert M. Balk, W. Erwin Diewert and Alice O Nakamura – pp. 1-10
PART I Productivity Measures and Decompositions
Paul Schreyer – pp. 13-40
W. Erwin Diewert and Kevin J. Fox – pp. 41-66
W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 67-76
Marshall Reinsdorf and Robert Yuskavage – pp. 77-102
Ulrich Kohli – pp. 103-132
Bert M. Balk – pp. 133-184
PART II Index Number Formulas
Bert M. Balk and W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 187-196
T. Peter Hill – pp. 197-216
Bert M. Balk – pp. 217-234
W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 235-262
W. Erwin Diewert and Robert J. Hill – pp. 263-278
Andrew Baldwin – pp. 279-316
Ulrich Kohli – pp. 317-328
Ludwig von Auer – pp. 329-332
W. Erwin Diewert – pp. 333-360
Modernizing the Consumer Price Index for the 21st Century
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Alternative output, input and income concepts for the production accounts
(with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Journal of Productivity Analysis (2023), 16 pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11123-023-00701-3
Measuring Real Consumption and CPI Bias Under Lockdown Conditions
(with Kevin J. Fox)
NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 27144, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA (May 2020), 84 pp.
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Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity
(with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Journal of Financial Stability (2019), 20 pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfs.2019.05.008
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Using Online Prices For Measuring Real Consumption Across Countries
(with Alberto Cavallo, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer)
NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 24292, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA (February 2018), 14 pp.
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Alternative User Costs, Productivity and Inequality in US Business Sectors
(with Kevin J. Fox)
UNSW Business School Working Paper No. 2017 ECON 14, University of New South Wales, Australia, (July 2017), 47 pp.
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Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time
(with Kevin J. Fox)
UNSW Business School Working Paper No. 2015 ECON 4, University of New South Wales, Australia, (March 2015), 41 pp.
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The Treatment of Financial Transactions in the SNA: A User Cost Approach
Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators 1,2014, 73-89.
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Decompositions of Profitability Change using Cost Functions
Journal of Econometrics 183, (2014), pp. 58-66.
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Consumer Benefits of Infrastructure Services.
(with Carmit Schwartz and Kevin J. Fox)
November 2013, pp. 38.
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The Treatment of Financial Transactions in the SNA: A User Cost Approach.
forthcoming in Eurostat Review of National Accounts, 2013, pp. 22.
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Eurostat Handbook on Residential Property Price Indices (RPPIs).
(with Jan deHaan)
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013, pp. 186.
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House Price Indexes and the Global Financial Crisis.
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
English version of the Japanese article published in the Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei), January 12, 2012, pp. 3.
[go to paper] [go to Japanese version]
Consumer Price Statistics in the UK.
for the ONS (Office for National Statistics), the government statistical agency for the UK, October 2012, 100 pages.
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Bias Due to Input Source Substitutions: Can It Be Measured?
(with Alice Nakamura),Chapter 5 in Measurement Issues Arising From the Growth of Globalization, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, National Academy of Public Administration, August 2010, pp. 237-265. Republished as an online appendix to Susan Houseman, "Offshoring and Import Price Measurement", Survey of Current Business, Volume 91, Number 2, February 7-11.
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Estimation of R&D Depreciation Rates: A Suggested Methodology and Preliminary Application.
(with Ning Huang)
Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May 2011), pp. 387-412.
Returns to Scale: Concept, Estimation and Analysis of Japan's Turbulent 1964-88 Economy.
(with Takanobu Nakajima, Alica Nakamura, Emi Nakamura and Masao Nakamura)
Canadian Economics Association, Vol. 44, No. 2, May 2011, pp. 451-485.
Capitalizing R&D Expenditures.
(with Ning Huang)
Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 15, Issue 04, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 537-564.
Price and Productivity Measurement: Volume 2 - Seasonality.
(with B.M. Balk, D. Fixler, K.J. Fox and A.O. Nakamura)
Trafford Press, 2011.
Chapter 3 - Time Series Versus Index Number Methods for Seasonal Adjustment (with William F. Alterman and Robert C. Feenstra), pp. 29-52.
Chapter 4 - Empirical Evidence on the Treatment of Seasonal Products: The Israeli CPI Experience (with Yoel Finkel and Yevgeny Artsev), pp. 53-78.
Chapter 8 - The Treatment of Seasonality in the Cost-of-Living Index: An Introduction, pp. 121-126.
On Measuring the Productivity and the Standard of Living in Japan, 1955-2006.
(with Hideyuki Mizobuchi and Koji Nomura)
KEO Discussion Paper No. 115, Keio Economic Observatory, Tokyo, Japan February 2009, pp. 52.
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The Aggregation of Capital over Vintages in a Model of Embodied Technical Progress.
the paper is a revised version of the UBC Department of Economics Discussion Paper 05-13 and is forthcoming in the Journal of Productivity Analysis, pp. 32.
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Asset Valuation and Productivity-Based Regulation Taking Account of Sunk Costs and Financial Capital Maintenance.
(with Denis Lawrence and John Fallon)
Economic Insights, Report Prepared for Commerce Commission, Government of New Zealand, Wellington NZ, 2009, pp. 64.
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Asset Valuation Methods and Productivity-Based Regulation.
(with Denis Lawrence and John Fallon)
Economic Insights, Report Prepared for Commerce Commission, Government of New Zealand, Wellington NZ, 2009, pp. 168.
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The Theory of Network Regulation in the Presence of Sunk Costs.
(with Denis Lawrence and John Fallon)
Economic Insights, Report Prepared for Commerce Commission, Government of New Zealand, Wellington NZ, 2009, pp. 93. (Revised: August 5, 2009)
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Retrospective Price Indices and Substitution Bias.
(with Marco Huwiler and Ulrich Kohli)
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 145(20), 2009, pp. 127-135.
Electricity Distribution Industry Productivity Analysis: 1996-2008.
(with Denis Lawrence, John Fallan and John Kain)
Economic Insights, Report Prepared for Commerce Commission, Government of New Zealand, Wellington NZ, 2009, pp. 84.
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Introduction to Measurement with Theory.
(with William Barnett and Arnold Zellner)
Munich Personal RePEc Archive-MPRA Paper No. 14868, posted 26, April 2009, pp. 39. A final version of the paper is in Marcoeconomic Dynamics, 13 (Supplement 2), 2009, pp. 151-168.
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What Is To be Done For Better Productivity Measurement.
in International Productivity Monitor, Number 16, Spring 2008, pp. 40-52.
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Measuring the Effects of Changes in the Terms of Trade.
Chapter 24 of the Export and Import Price Index Manual, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., forthcoming 2008, pp. 37.
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New Methodology for Linking Regional PPPs.
in ICP (International Comparison Program) Bulletin, Volume 5, No. 2, August 2008, pp. 1, 10-22 and 45.
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New Methodological Developments for the International Comparison Program.
at the Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam University, October 3, 2008.
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Changes in the Terms of Trade and the Productivity Performance of Canada and the Netherlands.
at the Workshop on Index Number Theory at the Tinbergen Institute, University of Amsterdam, October 9-10, 2008.
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OECD Workshops on Productivity Analysis and Measurement: Conclusions and Future Directions.
forthcoming in Chapter 1 of the Proceedings from the OECD Workshops on Productivity Measurement and Analysis, OECD, Paris, France, 2008, pp. 11-36.
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Index Numbers.
forthcoming in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, 38pp.
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On Measuring the Contribution of Entering and Exiting Firms to Aggregate Productivity Growth.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Price and Productivity Measurement, W. Erwin Diewert, Bert M. Balk, Dennis Fixler, Kevin J. Fox and Alice O. Nakamura (eds.), Trafford Press, July 13, 2007, pp. 26.
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The Economic Approach.
forthcoming in Chapter 17 of Export Import Price Index Manual, preliminary draft, May 2007, The International Monetary Fund, pp. 70.
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Price Indices Using an Artificial Data Set.
forthcoming in Chapter 19 of Export Import Price Index Manual, preliminary draft, May 2007, The International Monetary Fund, pp. 41.
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The Measurement of Productivity For Nations.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
Chapter 66 of Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 6A, Elsevier B.V., 2007, pp. 4501-4586.
Hedonic Imputation versus Time Dummy Hedonic Indexes.
(with Saeed Heravi and Mick Silver)
International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Paper WP07/234, pp. 38.
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Services and the Treatment of International Trade: New Economy Data Needs and Challenges.
paper presented at the International Conference on Total Factor Productivity Based on the KLEMS Industrial Database held on October 24, 2007 at the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Seoul, Korea, pp18.
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The Le Chatelier Principle in Data Envelopment Analysis.
in Aggregation, Efficiency, and Measurement, Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf, and Daniel Primont (eds.), Springer (with Nimfa F. Mendoza), (2007), pp. 63-82.
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On Measuring the Contribution of Entering and Exiting Firms to Aggregate Productivity Growth. (with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Price and Productivity Measurement, W. Erwin Diewert, Bert M. Balk, Dennis Fixler, Kevin J. Fox and Alice O. Nakamura (eds.), Trafford Press, July 13, 2007, pp. 26.
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The Economic Approach.
forthcoming in Chapter 17 of Export Import Price Index Manual, preliminary draft, May 2007, The International Monetary Fund, pp. 70.
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Price Indices Using an Artificial Data Set.
forthcoming in Chapter 19 of Export Import Price Index Manual, preliminary draft, May 2007, The International Monetary Fund, pp. 41.
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The Measurement of Productivity For Nations.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
Chapter 66 of Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 6A, Elsevier B.V., 2007, pp. 4501-4586.
Hedonic Imputation versus Time Dummy Hedonic Indexes.
(with Saeed Heravi and Mick Silver)
International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Paper WP07/234, pp. 38.
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Services and the Treatment of International Trade: New Economy Data Needs and Challenges.
paper presented at the International Conference on Total Factor Productivity Based on the KLEMS Industrial Database held on October 24, 2007 at the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Seoul, Korea, pp18.
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The Le Chatelier Principle in Data Envelopment Analysis.
in Aggregation, Efficiency, and Measurement, Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf, and Daniel Primont (eds.), Springer (with Nimfa F. Mendoza), (2007), pp. 63-82.
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The Measurement of Capital.
(with Paul Schreyer)
draft entry to the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Version 1, January 2006, 8 pp.
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Comment on "The Choice of Exchange Rate on Modelling the Impact of Climate Change: A Response to the Castles-Henderson Critique of the IPCC" by John Quiggin.
March 2006, 8 pp.
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Measuring the Contributions of Productivity and the Terms of Trade to Australian Economic Welfare.
(with Denis Lawerence)
paper presented to Productivity Perspectives 2006, Canberra, Australia, March 2006, 30 pp.
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Measuring the Contributions of Productivity and Terms of Trade to Australia's Economic Welfare.
(with Denis Lawrence)
Report prepared for the Productivity Commission, Australian Government, Canberra, March 2006, 114 pp.
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The Measurement of Income.
Center for Applied Economic Research Working Paper, 2006/1, University of New South Wales, 27 pp.
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The Contributions of Productivity, Price Changes and Firm Size to Profitability.
(with Kevin J. Fox and Denis Lawrence)
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2006, 13 pp.
Regulating Electricity Networks: The ABC of Setting X in New Zealand.
(with D. Lawrence)
Chapter 8 in Performance Measurement and Regulation of Network Utilities, T. Coelli and D. Lawrence (eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006, pp. 207-241.
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The Berne OECD Workshop on Productivity Analysis and Measurement: Conclusions and Future Directions.
this paper is an extended written version of Diewert's Panel Discussion at the final session of the OECD Workshop on Productivity Analysis and Measurement organized jointly with the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretary for Economic Affairs of Switzerland held in Berne, Switzerland, October 16-18, 2006, pp. 26.
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The Reconciliation of Industry Productivity Measures with National Measures: An Exact Translog Approach.
(with Denis Lawrence)
at the Sixth International Economic Measurement Workshop, December 13-16, 2006, Coogee Bay Hotel, Coogee, Australia.
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The Measurement of Productivity in Australia: Results and Measurement Problems.
powerpoint presentation at the Treasury, Government of Australia, Canberra, Australia, December 18, 2006.
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Measuring Productivity and the Role of ICT in Australias, Economic Performance.
(with Denis Lawrence)
presented at the DCITA (Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts) Workshop on ICT, Australian Government, Canberra, Australia, December 19, 2006.
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Adjacent Period Dummy Variable Hedonic Regressions and Bilateral Index Number Theory.
Annales D'Economie et de Statistique, No. 79/80, 2006, 28 pp.
A ‘New’ Approach to the Smoothing Problem.
(with Terence J. Wales)
in Money, Measurement and Computation, Michael T. Belongia and Jane M. Binner (eds.), New York, Palgrave, MacMillan, 2006, pp. 104-144.
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Comment on “Aggregation Issues in Integrating and Accelerating BEA’s Accounts: Improved Methods for Calculating GDP by Industry” by Brian Moyer, Marshall Reinsdorf and Robert Yuskavage.
paper presented at the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW), A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts, D.W. Jorgenson, J.S. Landefeld and W.D. Nordhaus (eds.), Washington D.C., April 16-17, 2004, 18 pages.
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The New Economy and an Old Problem: Net versus Gross Output.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
Center for Applied Economic Research Working Paper 2005/02, University of New South Wales, January 2005, 39 pages.
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Concepts and Measures of Productivity: An Introduction.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
forthcoming as Chapter 2 in Services Industries and the Knowledge Based Economy, R. Lipsey and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005, pp. 20.
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Malmquist and Tornqvist Productivity Indexes: Returns to Scale and Technical Progress With Imperfect Competition.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
Center for Applied Economic Research Working Paper 2005/03, University of New South Wales, April 2005, 13 pages.
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A "New" Approach to the Smoothing Problem.
(with T.J. Wales)
in Money, Measurement and Computation, M.T. Belongia and J.M. Binner (eds.), New York, Palgrave MacMillanm, 2005, pp. 104-144.
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Identifying Important Areas for Future Price Work at the International Level.
paper presented at the OECD Paris Workshop on Inflation Measures: Too High, Too Low, Internationally Comparable?, June 21-22, 2005, 9 pages.
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Summary of the Roundtable on the Upcoming Revision to the UN System of National Accounts.
(with Charles Hulten)
National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute 2005, Conference on Research on Income and Wealth Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 25, 2005, 18 pages.
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A Note on Schreyer’s Model for Depreciation and Welfare.
August, 2005, 9 pages.
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The Role of ICT in Australia's Economic Performance: Investigating the Assumptions Influencing Productivity Estimates.
(with Denis Lawrence)
OECD Workshop, October 3, 2005, 29 pages.
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Weighted Country Product Dummy Variable Regressions and Index Number Formulae.
Review of Income and Wealth, Series 51, Number 4, December 2005, pp. 561-571.
Productivity, the Terms of Trade and Australian Welfare: 1960-2004.
(with Denis Lawrence)
presented at the Productivity Commission, Canberra, Australia, December 2005, 23 pages.
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Progress in Service Sector Productivity Measurement: Review Article on Productivity in the U.S. Services Sector: New Sources of Economic Growth by Jack E. Triplett and Barry P. Bosworth.
International Productivity Monitor, Volume 11, Center for the Study of Living Standards, Fall 2005, pp. 57-69.
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The Role of ICT in Australia's Economic Performance.
(with Denis Lawrence).
Chapter 3, in ICT and Australian Productivity: Methodologies and Measurement, Occasional Economic Paper, Canberra: Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australian Government, November 2005, pp. 56-93.
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Estimating Aggregate Productivity Growth for Australia: The Role of Information and Communiciations Technology.
(with Denis Lawrence)
Occasional Economic Paper, Canberra: Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australian Government, September 2005, 83 pages.
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Adjacent Period Dummy Variable Hedonic Regressions and Bilateral Index Number Theory.
Annales D'Économie et de Statistique, No. 79/80, 2005, pp. 759-786.
Notes on the Stochastic Approach to Linking the Regions in the ICP.
presented at the Technical Advisory Group on the International Price Comparisons Project at the World Bank, Washington, DC, January, 2004
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Why We Need a Return to Experience Rating in EI.
(with A.O. Nakamura)
Fraser Forum, Feburary 2004, pp. 10-12.
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Index Number Theory: Past Progress and Future Challenges.
presented at the SSHRC Conference on Price Index Concepts and Measurement, Vancouver, Canada, June 30-July 3, 2004, 33 pp.
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Measuring Output and Productivity in Electricity Networks.
(with Denis Lawrence)
presented at the SSHRC Conference on Index Number Theory and the Measurement of Prices and Productivity, Vancouver, Canada, June 30-July 3, 2004, 49 pp.
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On the Treatment of Seasonal Commodities in CPI: The Israeli Experience, part I, part II and part III.
(with Yoel Finkel and Yevgeny Artsev)
presented at the SSHRC Conference on Price Index Concepts and Measurement, Vancouver, Canada, June 30-July 3, 2004.
[go to part I] [go to part II] [go to part III]
Measurement Problems in Regulation.
(with Denis Lawrence)
presented at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Melbourne, July 2004 (presentation file), 15 pp.
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Regulating Electricity Networks: The ABC of Setting X in New Zealand.
(with Denis Lawrence)
presented at the Asia Pacific Productivity Center, Brisbane, July 2004, 48 pp.
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Theories of Productivity Growth and the Role of Government in Facilitating Productivity Growth.
paper presented the New Zealand Treasury Workshop: Toward Higher Productivity Growth in New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, July 2004, 29 pp.
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A Note on the Cost Allocation Problem for R&D Investments.
August 2004, 13 pp.
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A Note on the Effects of a Real Interest Rate Increase on Asset Lives.
August 2004, 4 pp.
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The Gains from Trade and Policy Reform Revisisted.
(with Alan D. Woodland)
Review of International Economics 12(4), 2004, pp. 591-608.
The Relationship of Academic Measurement Research and Official Statistics.
presented at the 23rd Meeting of Nordic Statisticians, Turku, Finland, August 20, 2004, 33pp.
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The Contributions of Productivity, Price Changes and Firm Size to Profitability.
(with Denis Lawrence and Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2004, 32 pp.
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Similarity Indexes and Criteria for Spatial Linking.
forthcoming as Chapter 8 in Purchasing Power Parities of Currencies: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications, D.S. Prasada Rao (ed.), Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2005, 21 pp.
A Note on the Treatment of Inventory Change.
presented Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Australia, December 2004, 22 pp.
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Index Number Concepts, Measures and Decompositions of Productivity Growth.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
Journal of Productivity Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2003, pp. 127-159.
The Gains from Trade and Policy Reform Revisited.
(with Alan D. Woodland)
forthcoming in Review of International Economics, March 2003, 27 pp.
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Hedonic Regressions: A Consumer Theory Approach.
Scanner Data and Price Indexes, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Volume 64, Robert C. Feenstra and Matthew D. Shapiro (eds.), National Bureau of Economic Research, The University of Chicago Press, 2003, pp. 317-348.
On the Subadditivity of Cost Functions.
Traditional Telecommunications Networks, The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics.
Volume 1, Gary Madden (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003, pp. 1-73.
to Functional Structure and Approximation in Econometrics, William A. Barnett and Jane Binner.
(eds.), North-Holland Publishing, October, 2003, 12 pp.
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Services and the New Economy: Data Needs and Challenges.
paper presented at Services Industries and the Knowledge Based Economy, Industry Canada Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October, 2003, 28 pp.
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Basic Index Number Theory: Chapter 15.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 49 pp.
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The Axiomatic and Stochastic Approaches to Index Number Theory: Chapter 16.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 45 pp.
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The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory: The Single Household Case: Chapter 17.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 43 pp.
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The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory: The Many Household Case: Chapter 18.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 15 pp.
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Price Indices Using an Artificial Data Set: Chapter 19.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 16 pp.
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Elementary Indices: Chapter 20.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 33 pp.
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The Treatment of Seasonal Products: Chapter 22.
of Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice, International Labour Organization, Geneva, forthcoming, 50 pp.
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Methodological Problems with the Consumer Price Index.
presented at the joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, December, 2003.
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Hedonic Regressions: A Review of Some Unresolved Issues.
Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the Ottawa Group, Paris, May 27-29, 43 pp.
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Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices: Their Conceptual Foundations.
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 138, pp. 547-637.
Productivity Trends and Determinants in Canada.
in Productivity Issues in Canada, The Industry Canada Research Series, Someshwar Rao and Andrew Sharpe (eds.), Univeristy of Calgary Press, 2002, pp. 31-57.
Additive Decompositions for Fisher Törnqvist and Geometric Mean Indexes.
(with Marshall B. Reinsdorf and Christian Ehemann)
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 28, 2002, pp. 51-61.
The Quadratic Approximation Lemma and Decompositions of Superlative Indexes.
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 28, 2002, pp. 63-88.
The Deadweight Costs of Capital Taxation in Australia.
(with Denis Lawrence)
in Efficiency in the Public Sector, edited by Kevin J. Fox, Kluwer Academic Press, 2002, pp. 103-167.
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A Characterization of the Törnqvist Price Index.
(with Bert M. Balk)
Economic Letters 72, Elsevier Science, 2001, pp. 279-281.
The Productivity Paradox and Mismeasurement of Economics Activity.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
in Monetary Policy in a World of Knowledge-Based Growth, Quality Change and Uncertain Measurement, Kunio Okina and Tetsuya Inoue (eds.), New York, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 175-197.
The Consumer Price Index and Index Number Purpose.
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 27, 2001, pp. 167-248.
Commentary on "Research on Price Index Measurement: Agendas for the Next Twenty Years
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 27, 2001, pp. 105-116.
Which (Old) Ideas on Productivity Measurement are Ready to Use?
in New Developments in Productivity Analysis, Charles R. Hulten, Edwin R. Dean and Michael J. Harper (eds.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 85-101.
Incentive Indexes for Regulated Industries.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Journal of Regulatory Economics.
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Preface to the Theory of Monetary Aggregation.
by William Barnett and co-authors, forthcoming North Holland, 2000.
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Productivity Measurement Using Differences Rather Than Ratios: A Note.
University of New South Wales Working Paper, January, 2000.
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New Measures of the Excess Burden of Capital Taxation in Canada.
(with Denis A. Lawrence)
presented at the Creating Canada's Advantage in an Information Conference, Ottawa, May, 2000.
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Progress in Measuring the Price and Quantity of Capital.
(with Denis A. Lawrence)
in Econometrics, Volume 2, Econometrics and the Cost of Capital, edited by Lawrence J. Lau, MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000, pp. 273-326.
Can Measurement Error Explain the Productivity Paradox?
(with Kevin J. Fox)
Canadian Journal of Economics 32, pp. 251-280.
Is the Asia-Pacific Region Different? Technical Progress Bias and Price Elasticity Estimates for 18 OECD Countries, 1960-1992.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
in Economic Efficiency and Productivity Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region,T-T. Fu, C.J. Huang and C.A.K. Lovell (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999, pp. 125-144.
[go to paper]
Measuring New Zealand's Productivity.
(with Denis Lawrence)
New Zealand Treasury Working Paper 99/5, March 1999.
[go to paper]
The Alcohol Excise: A Review.
(with Denise Ironfield and Denis Lawrence)
Beer Wine & Spirits Council of New Zealand, Wine Institute of New Zealand, Inc. and Distilled Spirits Association of New Zealand, June 1999, pp. 1 - 76.
[go to paper]
Axiomatic and Economic Approaches to International Comparison?
in International and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output, and Prices, Alan Heston and Robert E. Lipsey (eds.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 13-87, 1999.
Index Number Approaches to Seasonal Adjustment.
in Macroeconomic Dynamics 3, 1999, pp. 48-68.
Benchmarking and the Measurement of Best Practice Efficiency: An Electricity Generation Application.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
in Canadian Journal of Economics 32:2, 1999, pp. 570-588.
Introduction and Overview.
(with A.O. Nakamura and A. Sharpe)
in Canadian Journal of Economics 33:2, April 1999, pp. 3-15.
The Measurement of Inflation after Tax Reform.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
Economics Letters 61, 1998, pp. 279-284.
[go to paper]
The Productivity Paradox and Mismeasurement of Economic Activity.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
forthcoming in Monetary Policy in a World of Knowledge-based Growth, Quality Change, and Uncertain Measurement, MacMillan Press: London. Also published as IMES Discussion Paper No. 98-E-15, Bank of Japan.
[go to paper]
A "New" Approach to the Smoothing Problem.
(with Terence J. Wales)
[go to paper]
High Inflation, Seasonal Commodities, and Annual Index Numbers.
in Macroeconomic Dynamics 2, 1998, pp. 456-471.
Index Number Issues in the Consumer Price Index.
Journal of Economic Perspectives 12, Number 1, 1998, pp. 47-58.
Benchmarking and the Measurement of Best Practice Efficiency: Evidence from Electricity Generation.
(with Alice Nakamura)
Centre for the Study of Living Standards - CSLS Conference on Service Sector Productivity and the Productivity Paradox, Ottawa, April 1997, pp. 1-34.
[go to paper]
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,1997, pp. 127-138.
The Le Chatelier Principle in Data Envelopment Analysis.
(with M.N.F. Mendoza)
1996, pp. 1-17.
[go to paper] [go to Figure 1]
Price and Volume Measures in the System of National Accounts.
in The New System of National Accounts, John W. Kendrick (ed.), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, pp. 237-285.
Axiomatic and Economic Approaches to International Comparisons.
NBER Working Paper 5559, Cambridge, April 1996, pp. 1 -81.
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Business Capital, Income and Performance.
October 1996, pp 1 - 142.
[go to part I] [go to part II]
Productivity Measurement for a Distribution Firm
(with Ann Marie Smith)
in The Journal of Productivity Analysis 5, 1994, pp. 335-347.
The Marginal Costs of Taxation in New Zealand.
(with Denis A. Lawrence)
report prepared for the New Zealand Business Roundtable by Swan Consultants (Canberra), Pty. Ltd., pp. 1 - 123, 1994.
[go to Part I (pp. 1 - 25)] [go to Part II (pp. 26-75)] [go to Part III (pp. 76-123)]
Flexible Functional Forms and Tests of Homogeneous Separability.
(with Terence J. Wales)
in Journal of Econometrics 67, 1995, pp. 259-302.
Functional Form Problems in Modeling Insurance and Gambling.
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 20, 1995, pp. 135-150.
Written Testimony for the United States Senate.
Committee on Finance, April 6, 1995, pp. 1-6.
[go to paper]
Productivity Growth and Changes in the Terms of Trade in Japan and the United States.
(with Catherine Morrison)
in Productivity Growth in Japan and the United States, Chapter 7, Charles R. Hulten (ed.), National Bureau of Economic Research, University of Chicago Press, 1990, pp. 201-227.
Performance Indicators for Regulated Industries, in Telecommunications Demand Modelling.
in Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 187, A. Defontenay, M.H. Shugard and D.S. Sibley (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990, pp. 447-479.
The Measurement of Productivity.
in Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 44:3, 1992, pp. 163-198.
Exact and Superlative Welfare Change Indicators.
in Economic Inquiry, Vol. XXX, October 1992, pp. 565-582.
Overview of Volume 1.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 1, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 1-37.
The Early History of Price Index Research.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 2, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 33-65.
Konüs, Alexander Alexandrovich.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 3, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 67-69.
Laspeyres, Ernst Louis Etienne.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 4, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 69-70.
Index Numbers.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 5, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 71-108.
Symmetric Means and Choice Under Centertainty.
in Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume 1, Chapter 14 W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993. pp. 355-433.
Choice on Labour Markets and the Theory of The Allocation of Time.
Research Branch, Program Development Service, Department of Manpower and Immigration Canada, 1971, pp. 1-55.
[go to paper]
Separability and A Generalization of the Cobb-Doublas Cost, Production and Indirect Utility Functions.
Research Branch, Department of Manpower and Immigration Canada, 1973, pp. 1-44.
[go to paper]
Applications of Duality Theory.
in Frontiers of Quantitative Economics, M.D. Intrilligator and D.A. Kendrick (eds.), North-Holland Publishing Company, Vol. 11, 1974, pp. 106-208.
Exact and Superlative Index Numbers.
Journal of Econometrics 4:2, June 1976, pp. 115-145.
Walras' Theory of Capital Formation and The Existence of a Temporary Equilibrium.
in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory, G. Schwödiauer (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1977, pp. 73-126.
Aggregation Problems in the Measurement of Capital.
in The Measurement of Capital, D. Usher (ed.), University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Nine Kinds of Quasiconcavity and Concavity.
(with M. Avriel and I. Zang)
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 25, No. 3, 1981, pp. 397-420.
The Theory of Total Factor Productivity Measurement In Regulated Industries.
in Productivity Measurement in Regulated Industries, Tom Cowing and Rodney Stephenson (eds.), Academic Press Inc, 1981, pp. 17-44.
The Economic Theory of Index Numbers: A Survey.
in Essays in the Theory and Measurement of Consumer Behavior in Honor of Sir Richard Stone, Angus Deaton (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 163-208.
Alternative Characterizations of Six Kinds of Quasiconcavity in the Nondifferentiable Case with Applications to Nonsmooth Programming.
in Generalized Concavity in Optimization and Economics, editors S. Schaible and W.T. Ziemba, Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 51-93.
Generalized Concavity and Economics.
in Generalized Concavity in Optimization and Economics, editors S. Schaible and W.T. Ziemba, Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 511-541.
The Comparative Dynamics of Efficient Programs of Capital Accumulation and Resource Depletion.
(with Tracy R. Lewis)
in Economic Theory of Natural Resources, editors W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, K. Neumann, R.W. Shepard, Physica-Verlag, Würzburg-Wien, 1982, pp. 301-325.
The Economic Theory of Index Numbers and the Measurement of Input, Output, and Productivity.
(with Douglas W. Caves, Laurits R. Christensen)
in Econometrica, Vol. 50, No. 6, 1982, pp. 1393-1414.
Multilateral Comparisons of Output, Input, and Productivity Using Superlative Index Numbers.
(with Douglas W. Caves and Laurits R. Christensen)
in The Economic Journal, Vol. 92, 1982, pp. 73-86.
The Theory of the Output Price Index and the Measurement of Real Output Change.
in Price Level Measurement, W.E. Diewert and C. Montmarquette (eds.), Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1983.
[go to Part I (pp. 1049-1086)] [go to Part II (pp. 1087-1113)]
The Treatment of Seasonality in the Cost-of-Living Index.
in Price Level Measurement, W.E. Diewert and C. Montmarquette (eds.), Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1983, pp. 1019-1045.
[go to paper]
The Theory of the Cost-of-Living Index and the Measurement of Welfare Change.
in Price Level Measurement, W.E. Diewert and C. Montmarquette (eds.), Ottawa, Statistics Canada, pp. 163-239.
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Waste within the Production Sector of an Open Economy.
in Scand. Journal of Economics 85(2), 1983, pp. 159-179.
Linear Programming Tests of Regularity Conditions for Production Functions.
(with C. Parkan)
in Quantitative Studies on Production and Prices, W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, K. Neumann and R.W. Shephard (eds.), Vienna: Physica-Verlag, pp. 131-158, 1983.
A Fundamental Matrix Equation of Production Theory with Applications to the Theory of International Trade.
in Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 46, P. Stahly (ed.), Konigstein: Verlag Anton Hain, 1983, pp. 181-194.
Sensitivity Analysis in Economics.
in Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 11:2 Great Britain, 1984, pp. 141-156.
Measurement of Waste and Welfare.
in Applied General Equilibrium Models, in New Developments in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis, J. Piggot and J. Whalley, (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 42-102.
Tests for the Consistency of Consumer Data.
(with C. Parkan)
in Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 30, 1985, pp. 127-147.
A Note on the Neglect of New Goods Bias.
NBER Productivity Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusettes, July 14, 1985.
[go to paper]
Transfer Pricing and Economic Efficiency.
in Multinationals and Transfer Pricing, A.M. Rugman and L. Eden (eds.), Croom Helm, 1985, pp. 47-81.
Microeconomic Approaches to the Theory of International Comparison.
Technical Working Paper No. 53, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusettes, 1986.
[go to Part I (pp. 1-43)] [go to Part II (pp. 44-84)]
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems.
in The Measurement of the Economic Benefits of Infrastructure Services, editors M. Beckmann and W. Krelle, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986.
[go to paper]
Scanner Data and the Construction of Inter-Regional Price Indexes
[go to paper]
Estimating Flexible Functional Forms using Macroeconomic Data
[go to paper]
The Ottawa Group After 30 Years
[go to paper]
Decomposing Residential Resale House Prices into Structure and Land Components
[go to paper]
Consumer Price Index Theory: An Introduction
[go to paper]
A Generalization of the Symmetric Translog Functional Form
[go to paper]
Alternative Output, Input and Income Concepts for the Production Accounts
[go to paper]
Improving the SNA: Alternative Measures of Output, Input, Income and Productivity
[go to paper]
On the Problem of the Purchasing Power of Money by A. A. Konüs and S. S. Byushgens: Translation and Commentary
[go to paper]
Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment
[go to paper]
Seasonal Products
(with Yoel Finkel, Doron Sayag, Graham White)
[go to paper]
The Treatment of Durable Goods and Housing
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Measuring the Impact of the Free Goods on Real Household Consumption
(with Erik Brynjolfsson, Avinash Collis, Felix Eggers, Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Basic Index Number Theory
[go to paper]
The Axiomatic or Test Approach to Index Number Theory
[go to paper]
Stochastic Approaches to Index Number Theory
[go to paper]
The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory
[go to paper]
Elementary Indexes
[go to paper]
Scanner Data, Elementary Price Indexes and the Chain Drift Problem
[go to paper]
Quality Adjustment Methods
[go to paper]
The System of National Accounts and Alternative Approaches to the Construction of Commercial Property Price Indexes
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Residential Property Price Indexes, Spatial Coordinates versus Neighbourhood Dummy Variables
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity
(with Kevin Fox)
[go to paper]
Productivity Indexes and National Statistics: Theory, Methods and Challenges
(with Kevin Fox)
[go to paper]
GDP-B: Accounting for the Value of New and Free Goods in the Digital Economy
(with Erik Brynjolfsson, Avinash Collis, Felix Eggers and Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Measuring the Services of Durables and Owner Occupied Housing
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Experimental Economics and the New Commodities Problem
(with Kevin J. Fox and Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
Estimating the Benefits of New Products: Some Approximations
(with Robert Feenstra)
[go to paper]
Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: A Unified Approach
[go to paper]
Measuring the Services of Durables and Owner Occupied Housing
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Natural Resources and Missing Inputs in International Productivity Comparisons
(with Daan Freeman, Robert Inklaar)
[go to paper]
Alternative Methods for Interpolating PPPs
[go to paper]
Scanner Data, Elementary Price Indexes and the Chain Drift Problem
[go to paper]
Estimating the Benefits of New Products
(with Robert Feenstra)
[go to paper]
Duality in Production
[go to paper]
Estimating the Benefits & Costs of New & Disappearing Products
(with Robert Feenstra)
[go to paper]
The Digital Economy, New Products and Consumer Welfare
(with Kevin J. Fox and Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
The Difference Approach To Productivity Measurement and Exact Indicators
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Alternative Land Price Indexes for Commercial Properties in Tokyo
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Alternative Approach for Resale Housing
(with Ning Huang and Kate Burnett-Isaacs)
[go to paper]
Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Productivity Measurement in the Public Sector: Theory and Practice
[go to paper]
The Allocation and Valuation of Time
(with Kevin J. Fox and Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
The User Cost of Nonrenewable Resources and Green Accounting
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Interview of Professor W. Erwin Diewert
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Alternative User Costs, Rates of Return and TFP Growth Rates for the US Nonfinancial Corporate and Noncorporate Business Sectors: 1960-2014
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
A Decomposition of U.S. Business Sector TFP Growth into Technical Progress and Cost Efficiency Components
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Decomposing Value Added Growth over Sectors into Explanatory Factors
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Productivity Measurement in the Public Sector
[go to paper]
Developing Land and Structure Price Indexes for Ottawa Condominium Apartments
(with Kate Burnett-Isaacs and Ning Huang)
[go to paper]
Hedonic Regression Models for Tokyo Condominium Sales
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Measuring Industry Productivity Across Time and Space and Cross Country Convergence
(with Robert Inklaar)
[go to paper]
A Note on the Flexibility of the Barnett and Hahm Functional Form
[go to paper]
New Estimates for the Price of Housing in the Japanese CPI
(with Chihiro Shimizu and Satoshi Imai)
[go to paper]
Weekly versus Monthly Unit Value Price Indexes
(with Kevin J. Fox and Jan de Haan)
[go to paper]
Estimating Quality Adjusted Commercial Property Price Indexes Using Japanese REIT Data
(with Chihiro Shimizu, Kiyohiko G. Nishimura and Tsutomu Watanabe)
[go to paper]
A Note on Reconciling Gross Output TFP Growth with Value Added TFP Growth
[go to paper]
Getting Rental Prices Right for Computers
(with Hui Wei)
[go to paper]
Commercial Property Price Indexes and the System of National Accounts
(with Kevin J. Fox and Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Alternative Approaches to Commercial Property Price Indexes for Tokyo
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Decomposing Bjurek Productivity Indexes into Explanatory Factors
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Sunk Costs and the Measurement of Commercial Property Depreciation
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Residential Property Price Indexes for Japan: An Outline of the Japanese Official RPPI
(with Chihiro Shimizu, Kiyohiko Nishimura and Tsutomu Watanabe)
[go to paper]
An Empirical Illustration of Index Construction using Israeli Data on Vegetables
[go to paper]
Alternative Measures of OECD Output Growth and Inflation
[go to paper]
The Treatment of Financial Transactions in the SNA: A User Cost Approach
[go to paper]
Decompositions of Productivity Growth into Sectoral Effects: Some Puzzles Explained
[go to paper]
On the Valuation of Leisure, Labour Supply and Household Production.
(with Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
Extended Business Sector Data on Outputs and Inputs for the U.S.: 1987-2011.
[go to paper]
US TFP Growth and the Contribution of Changes in Export and Import Prices to Real Income Growth.
[go to paper]
Voyage Accounting, User Costs and the Treatment of Financial Transactions in the Theory of the Firm.
[go to paper]
Answers to Questions Arising from the RPI Consultation.
[go to paper]
Decompositions of Productivity Growth into Sectoral Effects.
[go to paper]
Household Production, Leisure and Living Standards.
(with Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
Residential Property Price Indexes for Tokyo.
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[go to paper]
Decomposing Malquist Productivity Indexes into Explanatory.
(with Kevin Fox)
[go to paper]
Reference Technology Sets, Free Disposal Hulls and Productivity Decompositions.
(with Kevin Fox)
[go to paper]
A Conceptual Framework for Commercial Property Price Indexes
(with Chihiro Shimizu)
[to to paper]
The Consumer Price Index: Recent Developments
[to to paper]
Irving Fisher and Index Number Theory.
[go to paper]
Problems with the Measurement of Banking Services in a National. Accounting Framework
(with Dennis Fixler and Kimberly Zieschang)
[go to paper]
A Canadian Business Sector Data Base and New Estimates of Canadian. TFP Growth.
(with Emily Yu)
[go to paper]
Comment on Estimating Capital Input for Measuring Canadian Multifactor Productivity Growth.
[go to paper]
Hedonic Regressions and the Decompositions of a House Price index into Land and Structure Components.
(with Jan de Haan and Rens Hendriks)
[go to paper]
Afriat's Theorem and Some Extensions to Choice under Uncertainty.
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Banking Services in the System of National Accounts.
(with Dennis Fixler and Kimberly Zieschang)
[go to paper]
Methods of Aggregation above the Basic Heading Level within Regions.
[go to paper]
Methods of Aggregation above the Basic Heading Level: Linking the Regions.
[go to paper]
The Decomposition of a House Price Index into Land and Structures Components: A Hedonic Regression Approach.
(with Jan de Haan and Rens Hendriks)
[go to paper]
Malmquist and Törnqvist Productivity Indexes: Returns to Scale and Technical Progress with Imperfect Competition.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Measuring Productivity in the Public Sector: Some Conceptual Problems.
[go to paper]
Comment on Understanding PPPs and PPP Based National Accounts.
[go to paper]
Bias Due to Input Source Substitutions: Can It Be Measured?
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
[go to paper]
Decompositions of Profitability Change using Cost Functions.
[go to paper]
Notes on Unit Value Index Bias.
(with Peter von der Lippe)
[go to paper]
Alternative Approaches to Measuring House Price Inflation.
[go to paper]
Retrospective Price Indices and Substitution Bias.
(with Marco Huwiler and Ulrich Kohli)
[go to paper]
Exact and Superlative Price and Quantity Indicators.
(with Hideyuki Mizobuchi)
[go to paper]
An Economic Approach to the Measurement of Productivity Growth Using Differences Instead of Ratios.
(with Hideyuki Mizobuchi)
The Normalized Quadratic Expenditure Function.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Comment on Different Approaches to Index Number Theory.
(with Robert J. Hill)
[go to paper]
Cost of Living Indexes and Exact Index Number.
[go to paper]
Introduction to Price and Productivity Measurement for Housing.
(with Bert M. Balk and Alice O. Nakamura)
[go to paper]
Accounting for Housing in a CPI.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
[go to paper]
Scanner Data, Time Aggregation and the Construction of Price Indexes.
(with Lorraine Ivancic and Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
User Costs versus Waiting Services and Depreciation in a Model of Production.
[go to paper]
Estimation of R&D Depreciation Rates: A Suggested Methodology and Preliminary Application.
(with Ning Huang)
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Nonmarket Sector Outputs and Inputs Using Cost Weights.
[go to paper]
Capitalizing R&D Expenditures.
(with Ning Huang)
[go to paper]
Changes in the Terms of Trade and Canada’s Productivity Performance.
[go to paper]
On the Tang and Wang Decomposition of Labour Productivity Growth into Sectoral Effects.
[go to paper]
New Methodology for Linking the Regions.
[go to paper]
New Methodological Developments for the International Comparison Program.
[go to paper]
The Paris OECD-IMF Workshop on Real Estate Price Indexes: Conclusions and Future Directions.
[go to paper]
Index Numbers.
[go to paper]
The Ottawa Group After Ten Meetings: Future Priorities.
[go to paper]
Measuring Productivity in the System of National Accounts.
[go to paper]
Hedonic Imputation versus Time Dummy Hedonic Indexes, with a commentary by Jan de Haan.
(with Saeed Heravi and Mick Silver)
[go to paper]
Does Capitalized Net Product Equal Discounted Optimal Consumption in Discrete Time?
(with Paul Schreyer)
[go to paper]
Depreciation, Deterioration and Obsolescence when there is Embodied or Disembodied Technical Change.
(with Frank C. Wykoff)
[go to paper]
Index Number Theory Using Differences Rather Than Ratios.
[go to paper]
On Measuring the Contribution of Entering and Exiting Firms to Aggregate Productivity Growth.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Productivity Perspective in Australia: Conclusions and Future Directions.
[go to paper]
The Treatment of Indirect Taxes and Margins and the Reconciliation of Industry with National Productivity Measures.
[go to paper]
Transfer Prices and Import and Export Price Indexes: Theory and Practice.
(with W.F. Alterman and L. Eden)
[go to paper]
Adjacent Period Dummy Variable Hedonic Regressions and Bilateral Index Number Theory.
[go to paper]
On Measuring Inventory Change in Current and Constant Dollars.
[go to paper]
On The Aggregation of Capital over Vintages in a Model of Embodied Technical Progress.
[go to paper]
On Measuring Japan’s Productivity, 1955-2003.
(with Hide Mizobuchi and Koji Nomura)
[go to paper]
A New Axiomatic Approach to Index Number Theory.
[go to paper]
Time Series versus Index Number Methods of Seasonal Adjustment.
(with W. F. Alterman and R.C. Feenstra)
[go to paper]
The Lowe Consumer Price Index and its Substitution Bias.
(with Bert M. Balk)
[go to paper]
On the Estimation of Returns to Scale, Technical Progress and Monopolistic Markups.
(with Kevin J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Measuring Capital.
[go to paper]
Issues in the Measurement of Capital Services, Depreciation, Asset Price Changes and Interest Rates.
[go to paper]
On the Stochastic Approach to Linking the Regions in the ICP.
presented at the Technical Advisory Group on the International Price Comparisons Project at the World Bank, Washington, DC, January, 2004.
[go to paper]
The Treatment of Owner Occupied Housing and Other Durables in a Consumer Price Index.
[go to paper]
Services and the New Economy: Data Needs and Challenges.
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Aggregate Total Factor Productivity Growth.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
[go to paper]
Similarity and Dissimilarity Indexes: An Axiomatic Approach.
[go to paper]
Hedonic Producer Price Indexes and Quality Adjustment.
[go to paper]
Weighted Country Product Dummy Variable Regressions and Index Number Formulae.
[go to paper]
Additive Decompositions for Fisher, Törnqvist and Geometric Mean Indexes.
(with Marshall B. Reinsdorf and Christian Ehemann)
[go to paper]
The Consumer Price Index and Index Number Theory: A Survey
[go to paper]
Who Benefits from Economic Reform: The Contribution of Productivity, Price Changes and Firm Size to Profitability.
(with Denis Lawrence and Kevin Fox)
[go to paper]
Imputation and Price Indexes: Theory and Evidence from the International Price Program.
(with Robert C. Feenstra)
[go to paper]
Research in Price Measurement for the Next Twenty Years.
[go to paper]
Hedonic Regressions: A Consumer Theory Approach.
[go to paper]
Productivity Growth and the Role of Government.
[go to paper]
The Gains from Trade and Policy Reform Revisited.
(with Alan D. Woodland)
[go to paper]
Productivity Trends and Determinants in Canada.
[go to paper]
Measuring the Price and Quantity of Capital Services Under Alternative Assumptions.
[go to paper]
The Consumer Price Index and Index Number Purpose.
[go to paper]
Notes on Producing an Annual Superlative Index Using Monthly Price Data.
[go to paper]
New Approaches to Public Income Support In Canada.
(with Alice O. Nakamura and Ging Wong)
[go to paper]
Insurance for the Unemployed: Canadian Reforms and their Relevance for the United States.
(with Alice O. Nakamura)
[go to paper]
The Quadratic Approximation Lemma and Decompositions of Superlative Indexes.
[go to paper]
A Characterization of the Törnqvist Price Index.
(with Bert M. Balk)
[go to paper]
Progress in Measuring the Price and Quantity of Capital.
(with D.A. Lawrence)
[go to paper]
Should Canada's Rate of Capital Gains Taxation be Reduced?
(with D.A. Lawrence)
[go to paper]
The Deadweight Costs of Capital Taxation in Australia.
(with D.A. Lawrence)
[go to paper]
Can Measurement Error Explain the Productivity Paradox?
(with K.J. Fox)
[go to paper]
The Measurement of Inflation and Welfare After Tax Reform.
(with K.J. Fox)
[go to paper]
Index Number Theory Using Differences Instead of Ratios.
[go to paper] [go to Figures 1 and 2] [go to Tables 1 and 2]
Seasonal Commodities, High Inflation and Index Number Theory.
[go to paper]
Comment On CPI Biases.
[go to paper]
Axiomatic and Economic Approaches to International Comparisons.
[go to paper]
Axiomatic and Economic Approaches to Elementary Price Indexes.
[go to paper]
Price and Volume Measures in the System of National Accounts to Elementary Price Indexes.
[go to paper]
Data Envelopment Analysis: A Practical Alternative?
Revised version of this paper is available in the Other Papers section under the title: Le Chatelier Principle in Data Envelopment Analysis
(with M.N.F. Mendoza)
On The Stochastic Approach To Index Numbers.
[go to paper]
Multiproduct Cost Functions and Subadditivity Tests: A Critique of the Evans and Heckman Research on the U.S. Bell Systems.
[go to paper]
A Brief Survey of Duality Theory.
[go to paper]
Taxation and Production Structure
[go to paper]
Neutral Business Income Taxation Revisited
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Additional Description
[go to Complete Set] - Barcelona Lectures
[go to Introduction] - The Measurement of Business Capital, Income and Performance
[go to Lecture 1] - The Measurement of Capital: Traditional User Cost Approaches
[go to Lecture 2] - Capital and Accounting Theory: The Early History
[go to Lecture 3] - Accounting Theory and Alternative Methods for Asset Valuation
[go to Lecture 4] - Constructing a Capital Stock for R&D Investments
[go to Lecture 5] - Constructing a Capital Stock for Inventories and the Measurement of Inventory Change
[go to Lecture 6] - The Aggregation of Capital over Vintages in a Model of Embodied Technical Progress
[go to Lecture 7] - The Measurement of Income
[go to Lecture 8] - The Measurement of Performance: Productivity versus the Real Rate of Return
[go to Lecture 9] - Benchmarking and the Nonparametric Approach to Performance Measurement
[go to Lecture 1] - Early Approaches to Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 2] - The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 3] - An Introduction to Multilateral Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 4] - Elementary Price Indexes
[go to Lecture 5] - Lowe Indexes and the Practical Construction of a CPI
[go to Lecture 6] - The Treatment of Seasonal Commodities
[go to Lecture 7] - Scanner Data and the Rolling Year GEKS Method for Constructing Indexes
[go to Lecture 8] - An Empirical Illustration of Index Construction using Israeli Data on Vegetables
[go to Lecture 9] - Recommendations
[go to Lecture 1] - Early Approaches to Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 2] - The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 3] - An Introduction to Multilateral Index Number Theory
[go to Lecture 4] - Elementary Price Indexes
[go to Lecture 5] - Lowe Indexes and the Practical Construction of a CPI
[go to Lecture 6] - The Treatment of Seasonal Commodities
[go to Lecture 7] - Scanner Data and the Rolling Year GEKS Method for Constructing Indexes
[go to Lecture 8] - An Empirical Illustration of Index Construction using Israeli Data on Vegetables
[go to Lecture 9] - Recommendations
[go to Math Chapter 1 (.pdf)] - Elementary Calculus
[go to Math Chapter 2 (.pdf)] - Elementary Matrix Algebra
[go to Math Chapter 3 (.pdf)] - Unconstrained Optimization
[go to Chapter 0 (.pdf)] - Inequalities
[go to Chapter 1 (.pdf)] - Early Approaches To Index Number Theory
[go to Chapter 2 (.pdf)] - Functional Equations
[go to Chapter 3 (.pdf)] - The Axiomatic Approach to Bilateral Index Number Theory
[go to Chapter 4 (.pdf)] - The Theory of the Cost of Living Index: The Single Consumer Case
[go to Chapter 5 (.pdf)] - The Theory of the Cost of Living Index: The Many Consumer Case
[go to Chapter 6 (.pdf)] - Problems with the Theory of the Cost of Living Index
[go to Chapter 7 (.pdf)] - The Use of Annual Weights in a Monthly Index
[go to Chapter 8 (.pdf)] - Fixed Base Versus Chained Indexes
[go to Chapter 9 (.pdf)] - Two Stage Aggregation and Homogeneous Weak Separability
[go to Chapter 10 (.pdf)] - Multilateral Index Number Theory: Economic and Axiomatic Approaches
[go to Chapter 11 (.pdf)] - Elementary Indexes
[go to Chapter 12 (.pdf)] - The Treatment of Owner Occupied Housing and Other Durables in a Consumer Price Index
[go to Chapter 13 (.pdf)] - The Economic Approach to the Producer Price Index
[go to Chapter 14 (.pdf)] - PPI Index Number Computations Using an Artificial Data Set
[go to Chapter 15 (.pdf)] - Lowe Indexes and the Practical Construction of a CPI
[go to Chapter 16 (.pdf)] - The Treatment of Seasonal Commodities
[go to Chapter 17 (.pdf)] - Scanner Data and the Rolling Year Methods for Constructing Indexes
[go to Chapter 18 (.pdf)] - An Empirical Illustration of Index Construction using Israeli Data on Vegetables
[go to Chapter 19 (.pdf)] - Recent Developments in Consumer Price Index Theory
[go to Chapter 1 (.pdf)] - Lecture Notes on Cost Benefit Analysis
[go to Chapter 2 (.pdf)] - Inequalities
[go to Chapter 3 (.pdf)] - Convex Sets and Concave Functions
[go to Chapter 4 (.pdf)] - Microeconomic Theory: A Dual Approach
[go to Chapter 5 (.pdf)] - General Equilibrium Models: A Dual Approach
[go to Chapter 6 (.pdf)] - Consumer Surplus and the Measurement of Ex Post Welfare Change
[go to Chapter 7 (.pdf)] - Project Evaluation and Willingness to Pay
[go to Chapter 8 (.pdf)] - Nonlinear Programming: The Saddle Point Approach and the Kuhn Tucker Conditions
[go to Chapter 9 (.pdf)] - The Measurement of Waste and Marginal Excess Burdens
[Prof. W.E. Diewert - Econ 594 Course Outline/Reading List] - April 27, 2021
[go to Chapter 1(.pdf)] - Inequalities
[go to Chapter 2(.pdf)] - Convex Sets and Concave Functions
[go to Chapter 3(.pdf)] - Microeconomic Theory: A Dual Approach
[go to Chapter 4(.pdf)] - Notes on the Construction of a Data Set for an O.E.C.D. Country
[go to Chapter 5(.pdf)] - Index Number Theory: Part I: Early Approach
[go to Chapter 5(.pdf)] - Index Number Theory: Part II: The Economic Approach to Index Number Theory
[go to Chapter 6(.pdf)] - The Measurement of Productivity
[go to Chapter 7(.pdf)] - The Measurement of Capital
[go to Chapter 8(.pdf)] - The Measurement of Income and the Determinants of Income Growth
[go to Chapter 9(.pdf)] - Flexible Functional Forms
[go to Chapter 10(.pdf)] - Linear Programming
[go to Chapter 11(.pdf)] - Benchmarking and the Nonparametric Approach to Production Theory
University of Alberta, School of Business, Adjunct Professor
Econometric Society, Fellow
World Academy of Productivity Science, Fellow
Canadian Economics Association, Fellow
American Economic Association, Distinguished Fellow
Royal Society of Canada, Member
National Bureau of Economic Research, Research Associate
Statistics Canada Advisory Committee on Prices (Ottawa), Chairman
Society for Economic Measurement (SEM), Vice-President
Journal of Econometrics, Fellow 2014
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Fellow, September 2015
World Bank International Comparison Program (ICP) Technical Advisory Group, Member
Ottawa Group, International Working Group on Price Statistics, The United Nations, Member
Intersecretariat Working Group on Price Statistics (IWGPS), Member