Congratulations to Joshua Gottlieb on becoming a Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER).
The NBER is the leading nonprofit economic research organization in the USA. In becoming a Fellow with the NBER, Joshua joins a distinguished group of researchers whom include 24 Nobel Prize winners and eight of his colleagues at VSE.
Joshua joined the VSE as an Assistant Professor in 2012, after completing his Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University the same year. His thesis, Essays in Public Economics, was awarded the 2012 US National Tax Association Dissertation Award.
Joshua conducts research in applied microeconomics, public finance, health care and urban/real estate economics. His research work has been published in the American Economic Review, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, and Journal of Economic Literature. It is currently funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and was previously supported by the National Institute on Aging.